Sunday, October 3, 2010

Sunday solo run

Right above the lake!
Just to be fair - I took this photo at the exact same spot as my Streetfighter!
Hairpin turn at Lake Hennessy
Another angle...
Lunch at Gott's Roadside... Ahi Burger!!!
Sunday Lake Berryessa solo run, originally uploaded by Speedy Chung.
Did a very nice solo run today at Lake Berryessa and Lake Hennessy. Just like 3 weeks ago, the city was cold and windy (even rain this morning!); but once I hit the mountain and lake area somehow the sky just opened up - it was sunny and warm; and the rain and wind kept a lot of people away. See route here, and yeah, roads were pretty empty! =D

The only thing pull me back a bit was an accident - I ran into a accident scene. It wasn't pretty at all, and I really hope the rider made it through. This reminds me shit could happen any time to any of us...

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